Calculate Your NMB Real Estate Tax After Annexation


  1. Access your 2023 MDC real estate tax bill at Miami-Dade County Tax Search
  2. Enter your name or address and press enter.
  3. Locate your residence on the list and click "View".
  4. Press Print (PDF) to view your most recent bill.
  5. You will need 2 pieces of information from your MDC tax bill. First, identify the taxable value of your home in the column labeled "$1000 of Taxable Value." Use the lower amount found on the line corresponding to Miami-Dade County. Enter this amount in Step 5 of the Calculator.
  6. $
  7. Find the "Combined Taxes and Assessments Amount" at the bottom right of the document. Enter that amount in Step 6 of the Calculator.
  8. $
  9. MDC residents pay an additional 12.9% surcharge on their water bill that disappears with annexation. We have calculated an average savings of $159.42 per year per household but the actual amount of savings will vary based on water usage. Please enter, in Step 7 of the Calculator, your average monthly water bill, or leave blank to use our projected average yearly savings.
  10. $

Annexation Impact

Estimated CNMB Taxes After Annexation:

Impact on Taxes:

Annual Savings From Water Charges:

Garbage Fee:

Total Impact of Annexation:

If you want to check our calculations:

This calculation is based on the 2023 tax code and is subject to change. The default water bill is an estimate, and we are not responsible for any miscalculations.